What Apple Product Do You Think Of When You See This Image?

It's official. The invites are out, and Apple will indeed have an event on Jan. 27th to celebrate their latest "creation." And in typical Apple style, the invite gave no other hints, tempting all of us to read far too much into the graphics on the front of the invite.
So based on this image, what do you think will be the name of the new Apple device? The Paintball? The Hype? Let us know in the comments.
All kidding aside, we are 90% certain, it will be the Apple Canvas. You heard it here first.

Reader Comments (18)
The "it" or maybe, "the collage", with a Kurt Schwitters edition. more guess: The Palette
I think it's time to revive the iBook name. After all, the tablet and its soon-to-come family of different screen sizes and price points will probably replace the low-end MacBook.
I'm going to go off on a limb here and suggest that the image is related to the display technology Apple was recently granted a patent on. The display described in patent 7,586,472 would use subtractive cyan, magenta, and yellow filters depicted on the right of the image. Common images encoded in red, green, and blue on the left side of the image would be processed through a color-space transformation. Since we read English from left to right, the image depicts this transformation from RGB to CMY and not the other way around.
Furthermore, all current e-reads are grayscale. This image shouts out color. If--and I stress if--Apple manage to deliver a color e-reader screen, bright colors are an obvious marketing tool.
I agree on the Canvas. I e-mailed that as a thought to both Josh at Engadget and David Carr at the NY Times within minutes. Though I really like your poster Jeremiad's take on it as well, the idea being color. Now I can stop thinking about it.
nope... not a product for the media & design market - neither photoshop nor FCP will run on it.
this is an education style product that is the point between a kindle and a macbook. business travelers will want one too. look for a better e-book reader big enough for textbook publishers to use, and expect iWork to... well... work on it. of course, it will have safari and iTunes too, I'm not betting on iChat with video.
the colors? expect all the choices of the iPod nano except for a project Red model.
the name? eMacBook
(no, I have no idea!)
Here's something interesting: the hue of orange in the center of the image has the RGB % values (99, 57, 9) which are roughly the opposite of the CMY % values (0, 43, 87) AND it's my favorite color. :-)
Past rumors that it would be called the iSlate were close - it will be the iSplat!
I have a feeling they're going to give it a boring and descriptive name. It seems to me that they don't take risks with the names anymore. So my guess is along the lines of iTablet/iSlate etc.
Though just from the photo, my first thought was iSpray, :-D
It reminds me of the old Flower Power iMac. Resurgence? :-)
It's the iCar, I'm telling you.
A new LSD formulation...iLSD.
Steve Ballmer's brain on acid.
As an International product the name "Slate" is out of the question: The most common use of the word in British English speaking countries is negative: From the Apple Dictionary:- Brit., informal; criticize severely : his work was slated by the critics.
I feel it will be something simple, clear and clever.
I like "Macbook Touch", or maybe "Touchbook"
With Touchbook you can cover your bases: Touchbook and Touchbook pro.
Canvas is probably the worst name suggestion so far. Canvas makes it seem like an art tool, opposed to something generic and 'consumer'. No way