Johnny Cash: I See A Darkness Graphic Novel for the iPhone and iPod Touch

While comic book purists might be divided on whether digital comics will be the savior of the industry, or ruin the "true" comic/graphic novel experience. I can tell you this much from personal experience: The iPhone and iPod Touch represent a unique opportunity to get those who would never consider buying a comic book to buy a digital version.
Johnny Cash: I See A Darkness is a perfect example. While, I'd occasionally thumb through comic books, it's never been my thing. Seeing this graphic novel on the iPhone though, just shows how black and white illustrations can make a story come alive in a way unique to any other medium. Purists can use the page by page view, or you can opt to have the auto-animate function guide you and pan from one part of the page to the next.
You can purchase this graphic novel in three chapters at $1.99 each, or buy all three in a single purchase for $4.99. Additionally, this is a "soundtrack edition," meaning certain Cash songs are suggested for listening in different portions of the comic. If you already have those tracks on the phone, they will play, or you can buy them from iTunes via a link within the app.
This genre of entertainment might need a new name. Digital graphic novel doesn't quite sum up the effect of this kind of content on the iPhone and iPod Touch.
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