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Space Ace for the iPhone and iPod Touch

Space Ace, and its sibling game Dragon's Lair roared into arcades in the 80's, bringing with them a fantastic new look. Unfortunately, the gameplay, at least per quarter (and at least for me) was fast and unsatisfying. Rather than being a straight shoot-em-up action game, the lush animation, and timed moves played more like an animated comic book than an action arcade game. 

Today, games like Guitar Hero have seasoned a whole generation of entertainment based on hitting a button when it lights up.

The beauty of having Space Ace on the iPhone is first, the animation looks stunning. It's one of the best looking games on the iPhone, just as it was in the arcade. Of course, now that I don't have to pump the thing full of quarters, I can leisurely play through the whole game, which admittedly didn't take very long (at least on cadet, the easiest of three settings). It can still be frustrating when you miss one of the buttons, but it's not nearly as frustrating as playing the game for years without getting anywhere.

If you're looking for a little arcade nostalgia that still looks crisp today on a modern device, pick up Space Ace for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Reader Comments (2)

What a great review. It looks like a cool game, I don't remember it in the arcades. Now I'm going to try it.

July 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermacgirl

"it's sibling game Dragon's Lair" should be:
"its sibling game Dragon's Lair".

July 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick

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