Retro Tech Tuesday: AM/FM "Tape" Cartridges

Time for another dose of yesteryear with Retro Tech Tuesday. Today's photo and article comes from the 1972 Practical Handyman's Encyclopedia. I highly recommend picking up a copy of one of these Handyman sets if you're interested in seeing some old tech, coupled with everything you need to know to build a catamaran in just two pages.
We're looking at a "tape" (8-track to most of us) insert that allowed you to play AM and FM radio. Maybe someone who had one of these can shed light on why one would use the tape cartridge for radio since it was far more likely that you already had a radio and wanted to add an 8-track rather than the other way around. This would be the modern equivalent of a blu-ray disc that allowed you to watch VHS tapes. Enjoy!

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