iPhone Market Share = Amazing

It's that time again. Yes, time for the monthly operating system stats from Net Applications. While Windows takes 88.14% in this month's numbers, and "Mac" (presumably OS X) has 9.77% share, the real fascinating number to me is buried deeper in the numbers.
The iPhone OS accounted for .49% of internet traffic as measured by Net Applications. That's not much of the big pie, but it is ten times the share of Windows Mobile (at .05%) and seven times better than Android (at .07%). Granted, the iPhone market share is flat compared to recent months, but it's still quite impressive how quickly it has gained such a strong foothold in the mobile market. How many years has Microsoft had to try to get this market right? And kudos are in order to Android for also doing better than Windows Mobile in less than a year. We'll see where things stand in July. I'm no Kevin Rose, but I think we'll see a jump in iPhone market share again.
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