Root Access: G1 Impressions

Yesterday, we posted a review of the G1 from T Mobile. Jamie also had a chance to play with the phone prior to taping Root Access. Here's his first impression thoughts on the device. Oh, and you may notice the G1 creates considerably more buzzing than the iPhone on our microphone system. Sorry about that...
Reader Comments (3)
You guys should consider wardrobe changes if you're doing all these Root Access recordings in one shot—so you don't look like you've been wearing the same clothes for days! :) Keep up the good work.
Hi Josh,
Yeah, we referenced that in one of the segments. Agreed!
For someone who has a iphone for work and a g1 for play i love the g1, it is much faster then the iphone it is folly open and you can make any app you want for your self for me the i iphone is the worst hardware phone out, and it feels like being in a box all the time, on the G1 i can run OPRA/google/and steel on my iphone i can run buggy safari on my G1 i can have ether the stock home screen with a pull up tab or a or i can download 2 others one that is the same as the ipone with ten screens side by side or i can have a screen up screen down screen left and right , i can put custom widgets on them and any application i want
"so from someone who has used a iphone for 2 years and the G1 for 5 months all go with the g1
and i would have to give it to the G1 the iphone is just a fad that people like to have to say im cool, these two guys that go
"i used these for a week and it sucks " don't listen to them because they don't even use them they go im not going to like this, they say the g1 boots up slower side by side the G1 turns on before the iphone, and as for web the G1 is also faster and is smother.