VH1 Would Really Appreciate It If You Gave Them 99 Cents

I know the economy is tough, and that means it's tough for everyone, even the media giants like MTV Networks. I still don't think that justifies the $0.99. VH1 is asking for their "Watch and Discuss" Live Chat app. The app gives you the ability to know when your favorite VH1 show will be on (how else would you know!?) and the ability to talk to strangers about what's happening on the show as you watch it. Did I mention that this isn't free?
A few things. First, not all the shows air at the same time on VH-1 for all viewers, which limits the number of people who could potentially use it. Secondly, VH1 has done little to promote the service, so there's relatively few people to chat with (look at the review comments for the app). And finally, there's the little annoying detail that chat rooms are dead. OK, maybe for some blockbuster shows that get liveblogged on fansites this could work, but it would have to come from those sites, and not from the corporate parent. While I wouldn't mind paying a buck to support my favorite fan site, I'm not giving an extra dollar the conglomerate super-company.
Make it free, and we'll talk. Or better yet, "discuss."
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