Apple Store Report: Florida Mall, Orlando Florida

From time to time, we like to put on our super-secret disguises, and visit an Apple Store, then report back to you. Today's report is from the Apple Store at the Florida Mall in Orlando Florida. On a recent weekday visit, the store was moderately busy, but surprisingly, only one person was at the Genius Bar. (Previously, AppleCare wasn't available in Florida, which might still affect genius bar business to some extent.)
Apparently the one person getting genius bar help had waited for quite awhile, as she was complaining that she didn't understand why there was only one genius available, while a dozen Apple employees were just standing around. This is one part of Apple's decision to greatly segment store responsibilities. To customers, it seems like employees are "standing around" while people need help, when in reality, they are assigned positions like concierge, "greeter" etc., While specialists have always been assigned to certain store areas, they were free to help people as needed in those areas.
The Florida Mall location is clean, and quite neat. As a 45 foot store, there's plenty of room to check out a ton of computers and iPods. Compared to the smaller 30 foot store, this layout gives you plenty of chance to play with the latest Mac and iPods.
So kudos to the Florida Mall crew for a neat, ad-ready store, and sufficient staffing levels, at least for a weekday afternoon.
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