ABC Has Online Video Figured Out

Last week Nielsen released the first look at the Top Ten Most Watched Network TV Shows Online. It looks quite clear that ABC is the runaway champ in online viewing, taking seven of the top 10 spots. NBC's two marks on the chart are #2 with Saturday Night Live and Heroes at #5. The top-ranked show, Lost, had 1.425 million online viewers. CBS had one show on the chart, Survivor at #9.
What is it about ABC that makes them so dominant in online viewing? Well, first a note about the numbers. As reported by TV Week, the figures do not include views from, arguably the most popular network-sanctioned video website. If hulu was included, it would be safe to assume NBC's numbers would increase, although I doubt it would change the number of NBC shows on the list: Heroes and SNL would probably simply rank higher.
ABC's dominance is especially noteworthy since their slick web player requires an additional plugin download. Common belief today is requiring a download is the kiss of death for any video-related website, but ABC shows that if the video and audio quality is there, people will do it. And admittedly, ABC is in a better position to require a plugin than say, The Digital Lifestyle.
It also doesn't hurt that ABC is home to Lost. For fans, if you miss an episode it's imperative that you get caught up before next week, and there's only one place to do that in lovely HD online: ABC.
Reader Comments (7)
I think these numbers are suspect if sites such as Hulu aren't included. The only reason why I have streamed Lost from was that the current season wasn't available on Hulu. Otherwise, I've found Hulu to provide a significantly better viewing experience for me. 1) Less choppy. 2) Fewer ads. 3) Ads that don't continue beyond 30 seconds. 4) Ads that don't stop at 15 seconds leaving 15 seconds of a blank screen.
Therefore, I don't even consider going to to view their shows there. I stick with Hulu.
I agree. Hulu is especially great for one-stop shopping given the number of shows. Fancast isn't bad either, although often it's simply linking to hulu content. Here's hoping for hulu on the iphone.
I could not agree more! I literally just said to my wife that ABC has "figured out how to do this right." The comercials are reasonable length, they can be muted, and you can walk away without the show starting again without you. The interface is really clean and easy to use. I cannot emphasize how much this has led me to watch more ABC shows. I also really like their little "catch up" promos where they give you the "ABCs" of a particular show to allow you to jump in mid-stream.
I only wish other networks were this smart!
It's funny that you say that the only place you can find Lost online in HD in on ABC's web site. Considering your own web site carries an ad for Lost on iTunes, and in HD (and commercial free, if for a fee).
Quite right! is the place for free HD lost episodes.
Is ABC beating NBC and CBS in "regular" TV viewing? If so, the numbers are not important other than to demonstrate that better shows mean more eyeballs. The real question is this: what does ABC gain by not putting its shows on Hulu? The answer is simple: a larger share of advertising revenue. I have Boxee on my Apple TV. When I missed Lost and my Comcast DVR failed, I went online. I was very annoyed that I could not watch Lost on Hulu on Boxee on my Apple TV. That annoyance did not stop me from using a Silverlight-tastic website to find out what happened to the castaways. And if you need any more proof that quality programming trumps delivery format, just make some popcorn and download Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.
Hey Brian,
Update your Boxee. is now available on on Boxeee on APpleTV