Wednesday Website of the Week: Let's Talk Turkey

My fellow Americans, as we prepare for tomorrow's Thanksgiving holiday I know what many of you are thinking: How the heck do we prepare this turkey!? Well, don't say your government never does anything for you, because today we bring you the USDA turkey fact sheet. Whether it's how much meat to prepare for each person (who knew the government was figuring this out!?) or how long to cook that fully thawed bird, the fact sheet is here to help.
So as you prepare those basters, mix the filling, and decide what you're thankful for this year, don't forget to check those turkey facts. We'll leave you with this tip from the site:
Tuck wing tips under the shoulders of the bird for more even cooking. This is referred to as "akimbo."
Akimbo indeed. We'll be back on Friday, everyone!

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