Retro Tech Tuesday: Apple's e-World

Long before Safari or Firefox. Before Internet Explorer was the world's most-used browser. Heck, in a time when there were hardly any browsers at all, there was Apple's e-World. The history of e-World is a long and crazy one, but in short, you have Apple to thank (or blame) for AOL. Apple was ahead of the curve, and ahead of the price point most people felt comfortable paying for access to what was for the time, quite an interesting little online community.
Unfortunately, there's very little left to document this long-gone relic of Apple history, but thankfully through the miracle of YouTube, we're able to dig up this tiny glimpse into the welcome screen, unusual looking icons, and town map that served as a hub for the community:
If you were an e-person, or even helped develop the community, we'd love to hear from you, or share your experience in the comments. And hey, if it's a slow week at work, then take a few minutes to learn more about e-World from this Wikipedia entry.
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