CSI: Miami for the iPod Clickwheel Video Review

Hey Horatio Caine fans, now you can don your own e-sunglasses and help solve a Miami murder mystery. CSI: Miami brings the popular CBS show to clickwheel iPods. Unfortunately, it doesn't bring any of the video clips, or audio from the show, and features some tedious-to-reach mini games, that might just be too mini.
The game also suffers from being a little too "on the rails" as you are talked through every part of the murder mystery investigation. You won't be doing any looking astray for clues, and if you're patient, you will "solve" the crime.
It's worth noting the iPhone / iPod Touch version of the game is 99 cents, and does have clips from the show as a bonus.
For clickwheel owners though, you'll need to pony up $4.99...
Here's a look:
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