Macgirl's Media Pick of the Week: Pixar in HD! Now on iTunes

I was perusing iTunes for something new to buy (always gets me in trouble with the Mr...), and I came across the banner "Pixar in HD", which of course piqued my interest. I then discovered that Wall-E is available for download in HD from iTunes. I have to marvel- it was only a tiny bit ago that I could only buy such things in a store, and it was not available to me at a moment's notice---now, I can watch Wall-E anytime, from anywhere!
Pixar also released HD versions of Monsters, Inc., Ratatouille, and A Bugs Life (of which a DVD shipped with my iMac DVSE, ah, those were the days...). It couldn't be easier to find and watch, and without the mess and waste of plastic and stickers and such. If you are a collector, you'll still want to own the blue-ray or DVD. But for most, a trash-free HD version straight to your computer is a beautiful thing. Yay for less waste!
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