Should Steve Jobs Blog?

image: FakeSteve.netBlogging is all the rage for web 2.0 CEO's. It's all about a free flow of information between the company and the customer. But would suggest a policy help or hurt Apple? And does Apple have a special responsibility given that they create so much software/hardware used by the online community?
Well, we did what we always do when we're faced with a tough subject: We took both sides! I (Ryan) offer the pro-blog angle, while Root Access host Jamie DeGrazio offers the con:
Yes, Apple (specifically Steve Jobs) Should Blog:
Steve Jobs blogging could bring a human side to Apple. Of course, that's not to say he or Apple really wants that. Apple promotes all kinds of tools, like Mobile Me, iWeb, etc. for personal expression, but do we ever see anyone at the highest reaches of Apple using these tools themselves? Are they "eating their own dog food," and using these tools? I think Keynote is far better than PowerPoint in no small part because Jobs himself, with his keynotes had direct, real-world input to the program. Couldn't the whole blogging world be better if Jobs experienced the issues first hand?
Also, short blogs from Jobs to could go a long way to quell concerns like those from App Store developers. I'm not saying he should spill corporate secrets or talk about the next big thing, but there's value to putting some humanity in the brand.
No, actually he shouldn't:
Blogging by Apple would never work, at least not coming from Steve. Let's face it, the guy doesn't come off as being very personable or down to earth. Apple and Steve are too guarded and secretive to allow the blog to be at all compelling. Could we really see Steve allowing user comments on his posts? No way. It would turn into the worst fanboy flame wars we have ever seen. Also let's not forget Apple is known for censoring and deleting critical posts on their own support forums. The best we can hope for is a centralized location on that updates everyone on the status of MobileMe, iTunes,
Besides, we hear this blogging thing is just a fad...

Reader Comments (5)
I would love to see an honest blog, much like the fake Steve Jobs. However, I also acknowledge that would only be harmful to Apple. Anything he says in a blog would be quoted and likely used out of context. That said, if a blog ever did happen, it would likely be filtered through marketing, PR, Legal, etc. to the point it sounds like a company sales pitch. Still, I wouldn't mind seeing a few "filtered" essays like his "thoughts on DRM" that he's done in the past.
I think people who don't blog are terrorists....or they are trying to hide something like failing flightschool and that boxcutter they have in their pocket. No seriously...Steve Jobs is such a dynamic and forceful personality that the sedatives they use on him only have effect for a hour or so every twentyfour. They rest of the time he needs to wear a full restraint suit with a face mask and be tied to a ceiling with ropes
"But would suggest a policy help or hurt Apple?" probably should be:
"But would such a policy help or hurt Apple?".
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