Apple and AT&T Could Turn Netbook Craze On Its Head

AT&T, according to CNN Money has been in discussions with notebook manufacturers about bundling 3G service with laptops. Now, who do you think AT&T would prefer to work with? Who do you think might be paying attention to offering a Netbook (or a Netbook-priced solution) that's head and shoulders above the rest?
Consider it for just a moment. We've commented here before on the fact many of these netbooks are really spiffy. Apple's previous statements have indicated the machines are far too underpowered for most consumers. Fair enough. Now imagine a full-fledged Apple netbook, offered for say, $700, but it's just $499 with an AT&T contract. I know, especially for those of us with an iPhone, we wouldn't want another monthly fee... But if the device truly was far beyond other netbooks, much like the original iPhone vs. mobile phones at the time, Maybe, just maybe, Apple would have a hit on its hands, and silence critics (us) of its lack of netbook presence.
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Why would a netbook be preferred over an iPhone?