What a big boy/girl you are, iMac!

Aww! Someone had a tenth birthday today! Happy Birthday, iMac! Look at you! You lost all that G3 baby fat! You went through your skinny/awkward G4 phase (although a lot of people thought you were adorable then.) Then you got in shape as the G5 iMac.
What precious child! I'm just a little worried about this new, dark look you've taken on with Intel inside. I hope you're not growing up to fast. Some people have reported you've been acting up, and you've been a little hot-headed as of late.
Well at any rate, Happy Birthday, and we can't wait to see what the next few years hold. I worry about your teen years, but you've made it this far, outliving many of your siblings (R.I.P., G4 Cube) so here's to a bright future!
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