Exclusive: Apple using campus flyer campaign, undercutting resellers?

Anyone who's been to a college campus has probably seen the sea of posters and flyers posted for things like Semester at Sea, Roommate Wanted, used textbooks, etc. Well now Apple, known for classy, minimalist ads has entered the campus flyer fray. The flyer pictured above is from the campus of The University of Pennsylvania. It is a professionally made flyer (with perfect perforations, pre-scored) intended to mimic the look and style of those other signs around campus. Each tearoff directs you to www.apple.com/go/campusoffer which then re-directs to the Back to School offer on Apple's site. If you can't see it, iPod cleverly features the facebook app. Also in the bottom right is the marketing material number: L370509A-US
While Apple is certainly free to try this type of marketing, it is troubling because Penn also has its own computer store, offering Apple education discounts. Let alone the fact that on many college campuses, you are forbidden from posting these without permission. Did Apple seek permission first? Who posted them? How many campuses are these on? And how effective can they be in the summer, when most students are away anyhow?
Apple did not reply to a request for comment sent yesterday.
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