Farewell, Bill

Today marks the end of Bill Gates' day to day involvement in Microsoft. You know, you really can't talk about the history of Apple, without talking about Bill Gates. I think it's fair to say, at least from all the clips we've ever seen, Gates is not "evil." Yes, there were policies and conduct by Microsoft through the years that many of us in the Apple world might consider evil, or even illegal. But at the end of the Gates has always seemed rational, and visionary in his own way.
Plus, there's something to be said for a CEO who amasses a large fortune, then uses it to do good. Let's be honest, the jury is still out on whether Steve Jobs will ever make a similar gesture. And just in case you think Gates' decision to use his money for good is a recent development, we offer the NBC clip below from 1992. It's an interesting time capsule, anyway you look at it. Gates talks about some new fangled thing called electronic mail, and how it could become the future, if only there would be enough desktop computers. If only, indeed.
So here's a hardy pat on the back to the man who piloted the most influential technology company of the last 20 years. And also a heartfelt thank you for allowing Steve Ballmer to take over at Microsoft. Nothing ensures our continued amusement, and Apple's continued success as having him at the helm.

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