Vancouver Apple Store on the way

For those of you in Canada, get ready for another free t-shirt! Another Apple Store is on the way! "The Mayor" over at fills us in:
Ah, all my good friends in Vancouver must be happy happy that they’re getting their first Apple Store. The new store is scheduled to open this Saturday, May 24th. W00t! For you Vancouver-ites, Vancouverians? (nevermind) the store address is 701 West Georgia Street in the Pacific Centre Mall. On the 24th, the store will open at 10AM and close at 7PM. Sundays will be 11AM to 6PM, Mondays and Tuesdays will be 10AM to 7PM, and Wednesday through Friday will be 10AM to 9PM. Congratulations to everyone out in Vancouver. I’m sure it’s going to be a great new store. That is a great location at any rate, have been there many times.

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