Green Statement of The Digital Lifestyle
We believe every website, and every business for that matter, should include information on their environmental impact, and what measures, if any, they are taking to minimize that impact. Below is a look at our efforts to run The Digital Lifestyle as "green" as possible.
Production: All of our studio shoots are lit by high efficiency fluorescent lighting, rather than traditional, high-wattage lighting. Additionally, our studio is powered by wind energy through wind energy purchase from our local utility. All of our show prep is done online, with minimal paper consumption. The paper we do use , is recycled for use on TDL Live in our "fishbowl" of news. This paper is then processed with recycled paper. We are also using the Kill-a-watt system to track down energy inefficiencies within our facility.
Hosting: We use a carbon-neutral host for our files.
Travel: All travel is done by hybrid vehicle. When mass transit options are used, we purchase carbon offsets. We also minimize travel as much as possible, encouraging any shoot requiring four or fewer people to travel together.
Post Production: We archive our shows to hard drive, and keep many of the original tapes. These tapes are catalogged not only for content, but for available space, allowing us to dramatically reduce tape use, compared to using one tape per show/segment.
We're always looking for more ways to minimize our environmental impact, and will update this document accordingly.